Monday, September 7, 2009


Alright, girls, I'm sure you've been reading my farming blog faithfully (just as faithfully as I've been writing in it...) so you know all about our bees and beans and beets. The real update is what I'm doing next. So...

I'm moving to Rainbow, California! There's a 30 acre organic farm there called Morning Song Farm that Jon and I will be interning with from late October until late spring/early summer/whenever we figure out what we're doing next.

But the REALLY great news is that in order to get to Rainbow, CA (it's a small town in between San Diego and Los Angeles, about 45 minutes from the coast) I have to go on a cRaZY road trip!!! To see everyone I know!!! Which I hope will include all of you!!! Well, okay, the road trip can't feasibly make a side trip to Hotlanta. And I'm worried Hannah might be in France by the time I make it to Chicago (sometime around 5 October???) But I'm totally hitting up Bloomington (if you'll have us, Boobs).

In other, less exciting news, Jon Harvey and Jess Adamick came to visit for Labor Day weekend. We had lots of fun. I think Jess will have a facebook album documenting every second up in no time.

Also, I met Robert Kurlwich. April already knows this, as I had to call her as soon as he was out of earshot. But I figure we're all a little bit in love with him, right?

1 comment:

  1. I'll have you foreverrrrr! Can't wait to see you (both!)
