Sunday, May 24, 2009

My Weekend

When we created this blog, we promised life updates. In order to stimulate this type of entry, and because I'm bored to my wits' end, I bring you my weekend.

Friday Night: I played Scene it and watched Bride Wars with Maggie... No pictures, but I can assure you, it was a blast.

Saturday Morning: Farmer's Market! These are the first
(greenhouse) tomatoes of the season! They are wonderful! We also got strawberries, lettuce, green onions, eggs, ribs, cabbage, baby zucchini, shitakes, tomato plants, and probably other things that I'm forgetting!

Saturday afternoon: I redid our coffee table! I went to the hardware store and talked to the pros about what steps needed to be taken then I got to it!

I used this beast to help with the sanding:

It wasn't a very nice facial exfoliater, though...

The finished product:

Impressive, eh? I wish you girls would be around to enjoy it with me in the fall!

Saturday night was more fun with Maggie. We went shopping at Micheal's and TJ Maxx (I'm a fancy girl, clearly) then played some scattergories. You all may not have noticed this, but I realy like to play games.

Sunday morning: Waffles and Bacon then did some of this with Mom:

Still with the games. Mom does not like games at all, but she loves this one -- Thanks, Hannah!

Sunday afternoon: As a grad present from Hannah Murray and her family, I got a gift certificate for a facial which I redeemed today, then Maggie and I went and got our nails did. The little Vietnamese lady talked me into letting her paint designs on my big toes...

(Please graciously ignore my pinkie toe wart... I'm working on it!)

Sunday Night: I talked to April! She talked me into this...

Then, I did laundry! (Lots and lots of laundry.)

If anything in my house can be classified as ghetto fab, it's the washer and dryer... chack out that wood paneling!

I spent most of the night packing and watching the last couple of episodes of House from this season. I rented "The Women", but haven't watched it yet. Check out my progress:

That was my weekend! I hope you all had a little bit more fun than I did (not a lot more though, that would make me jealous)! I miss you all tremendously!


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