Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Alright, Listen...

I know I've been sucking at this blogging thing. But did you really expect anything else?

This weekend, being Memorial Day weekend, was busy and fun. Bonita has been growing tons of seedlings in her greenhouse (pictures imminent, I promise) in order to sell them at her farm stand on Memorial Day. So Saturday was spent cramming in all the other garden work that had to be done (plenty of weeding, watering, planting potatoes) so that Sunday could be devoted to bringing all of the seedlings from the greenhouse (about 1/2 mile away) to the barn. We've got a bunch of tomato varieties: Valley Girl, Amish Paste, Green Zebra, Valencia, San Marzano, Juliette, many others whose names I can't recall; also lots of bell peppers, hot peppers, eggplants, herbs...

The parade on Monday was hilarious. The Maine Militia did the color guard. (The veterans didn't want to have to perform any actual duties or walk, so they came later in the parade, in cars. The Militia consisted of 6 men in all black carrying semi-automatic weapons. Two of them were marching, the other four were more... strolling.) Then there was the combined middle & high school band, consisting of about 20 teenagers in tee-shirts and jeans being led by a morbidly obese man in all black occasionally shouting "sound off!" There was the ATV club float surrounded by about 10 ATVs (by far the most populous local club, by the looks of it), two girls doing tricks with flaming batons (one of them dropped hers on the ground every 5 steps or so), and miniature reproduction of the Vietnam Memorial on the flatbed of an 18-wheeler truck. The entire thing was hilarious.

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