Sunday, October 31, 2010

All Hallow's Eve

I miss all of you regularly, but Halloween compounds these feelings.

I wonder to myself why that is.

Then, I remember.

Sweet, sweet memories.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Check it Out!!!!!

Everyone will enjoy and get great use out of this NYT article on sinless cupcakes. I think I may try out the Orange Cardamom Cupcakes with Orange Yogurt Frosting first...

Friday, October 1, 2010

New Fun Game!

Let's play What Wine are You Drinking???

Over the summer I was really enjoying vinho verdes (apparently there are both white AND red varieties, but only the whites are imported to the USA because our palettes aren't refined enough for the reds). A nice amount of sweetness, very bubbly, tangy... perfect for a hot summer afternoon! I like a lot of different labels. There was one I bought in Maine a lot with blue vines on the label... unfortunately I can't remember the name.

Of course, now I'm looking for something a bit hardier... any suggestions?

(I'd ask about beers too, but I assume we're all drinking our own delicious local specialties.)