The fourth Amelia Peabody mystery, by Elizabeth Peters, who has a PhD in Egyptology! So it's not complete fluff! I swear! Actually, I read a bunch of these books when I was in my early teens, and just picked one up at the library a couple weeks ago. I love it as much now as I did then! Amelia Peabody is an Englishwoman in the late 1800s married to an archeologist who travels to Egypt every winter to excavate pyramids and tombs... where murder and thievery often occur! It's written as a diary, and Peters does an amazing job of revealing to the reader what other characters think of Peabody without compromising Peabody's overconfident, brash, hilarious personality. It's pretty light reading, but I still highly recommend the entire series to anyone in the mood for a period mystery piece.
I'm currently reading...
Okay, another light mystery, this time modern day and set in Moscow, apperently (but so far its all taken place in France and Italy). It also involves spys. I'm only 30 pages in, so I really can't tell you more. What can I say, I'm rejoicing in the fact that I can read whatever I want all night long. Time for all of the frivolous reading I put off for 4, 5, 6 years!
I don't know! I tried to get Edward Said's "Orientalism" at the Temecula Public Library, but they didn't have it! In fact, they have very few books one would consider substantial. And I mean that in the most literal sense--their books lack substance. Entirely. They don't even have the Economist!!! What's a girl to do?
So I need some suggestions. I want a book that makes my brain work a bit, but not something so muddy that I never get through it. Also, a book that Temecula Public Library might carry. Nonfiction would be nice, but well written and entertaining. And don't recommend Bill Bryson, because I've already read all of his books that the TPL has to offer.
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