I'm home now and summer is nearly over. It's hard to imagine starting at a new school in a few weeks, but it's happening whether I like it or not. I'm taking bunches of stuff this semester: Teaching Math, Teaching Science, Teaching Language Arts, Full Day Field Experience, A Seminar with a focus on Legal/Ethical Rights & Responsibilities and Gender & Education, and an online class called Trade Books for Youth. I also start work at Goods for Cooks tomorrow! I'm trying to enjoy boredom while it lasts, but I have been taking the dog for incredible journeys around the neighborhood lately, even jogging as much as the old girl can handle, in an attempt to hold off boredom.
I'll post some highlights from summer once I get my broken computer back, but I'll leave you with this gem for now:

I'm George, she's Martha... those are cherries. Every once in awhile (very rarely) I manage to have fun with people who aren't the three of you. It's still hard, though.
Yay! Exciting! If you need help teaching math, just give me a ring...